
Aphrodite's child - Rain and tears(7080추억의팝송음악)듣기

생활의큐레이팅 2017. 7. 25. 13:09

Rain and tears are the same

But in the sun you`ve got to play the game
When you cry in winter time
You can`t pretend It`s nothing but the rain
How many times I`ve seen
Tears falling from your blue eyes
Rain and tears are the same but in the sun
You`ve got to play the game

Give me a glance of love ah~~~
I need an answer love ah~~~
Rain and tears in the sun but in your heart
You feel the rainbow waves
Rain or tears both are show
But in my heart there`ll never be a star
Rain and tears are the same
But in the sun
You`ve got to play the game

Rain ah~~​ 

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