Time is ticking and ther is nothing i can do

My heart is a aching and my love is all for you
Fighting time isn't the right situation
Bita your mind now my heart is broken
I can't find my way
Now i'm kicking cuase i think i'm losing you
I feel like bitching but i'm always nice to you
He knows the way using this infatuation
Everybody spending all his money
Just to make you stay
Swiss boy you're in love with a swiss boy
I don't know what i'm gonna do
Swiss boy spend your time with a swiss boy
You don't know what i'm going through
Cuckoo clocks are the best best things he can do
Took his time changing the old situathion
You're not mine now i've really lost you
Youre not mine now i've really lost you

I can only pray​ 

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