I wake up every mornin' 

I stumble out of bed 
Stretchin' and yawnin' 
Another day ahead 
It seems to last forever 
And time goes slowly by 
'Til babe and me's together 
Then it starts to fly 
'Cos the moment that he's with me 
Time can take a flight 
The moment that he's with me 
Everything's alright 
Night time is the right time 
We make love 
Then it's his and my time 
We take off 
My baby takes the morning train 
He works from nine till five and then 
He takes another home again 
To find me waitin' for him 
My baby takes the morning train 
He works from nine till five and then 
He takes another home again 
To find me waitin' for him 
He takes me to a movie 
Or to a restaurant to go 
Slow dancing Anything I want 
Only when he's with me 
I catch a light 
Only when he gives me 
Makes me feel alright 
My baby takes the morning train 
He works from nine till five and then 
He takes another home again 
To find me waitin' for him 
All day I think of him 
Dreamin' of him constantly 
I'm crazy mad for him 
And he's crazy mad for me 
When he steps off that train 
I'm makin' a fool a fight 
Work all day to earn his pay 
So we can play all night 
My baby takes the morning train 
He works from nine till five and then 
He takes another home again 
To find me waitin' for him 
He's always on that morning train 
He works from nine till five and then 
He takes another home again 
To find me waiting for him 
My baby takes the morning train 

He works from nine till five and then 

◎ 추억의 노래 모음 ◎ 


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